6 set 2023



USA La Commissione Giudici NRHA ha votato all'unanimità per accettare la seguente composizione del collegio giudicante che sarà impegnato ad Oklahoma 2023.  

NON PRO (Coliseum):  Bob Kail, Van Luse, Terry Thompson, Patrick Wickenheiser,  Buddy Fisher. 
OPEN (COLISEUM) Bub Poplin, Maik Bartmann, Kelly Sapp, Cathy Luse, Mark Turner.  Inoltre (alternates)  Ryan Kail, Rick Lemay, Enrico Righetti.
Equipment judge: Greg Darnall, Tom McBeath (alternate).
Adequan arena (finali nazionali Usa)  Todd Arvidson, Mack Weaver, Ryan Kail, Jan Hay, Rick Weaver, Jan Dublin (alternates)
Come sono stati scelti? NRHA qui sotto spiega la procedura di selezione, specificando che la selezione inizia molti mesi prima e queste regole valgono sia per Futurity che Derby: 
  • Each eligible judge is contacted for their availability for the event.
  • All available judges are compiled into a list and sent to each member of the Judges Committee.
  • Judges Committee members make selections from the list to fill the allotted slots for the event.
  • These names are compiled into a shortlist and discussed on a conference call with all members of the Judges Committee. Nominations are allowed on this conference call.
  • The committee members, except for the chair, then rank their choices, and each ranking equates to a certain number of points. The points are compiled and submitted to the committee chair.
  • The committee chair reviews and makes recommendations based on the outcome of the vote and the needs of NRHA.
  • The ranked list with the Judges Committee Chair recommendations is submitted for final selection.