Molti dei dati sulle vincite che troviamo oggi sul web si riferiscono al parametro LTE (Lifetime Total Earnings) che riflettono però l'intera carriera sportiva di un cavallo /riproduttore/trainer/allevatore e così via. Un interessante dato è quello delle migliori performance dell'anno (sempre in dollari). Le statistiche fornite sono sempre relative all'anno precedente. Al momento Equistat ha diffuso le statistiche 2013 (che si riferiscono ovviamente alle prestazioni del 2012).I dati sulle vincite sono Equistat (QH News).EQUISTAT: schede mirate, dati precisi, estrazioni dati a pagamento (QUI) Ma subito riportiamo alcuni dati di cornice Nrha che a colpo d'occhio ci danno la dimensione di nicchia del mondo reining. (fonte ).
Le ultime statistiche sulla NRHA tracciate sul web risalgono al 2012(*).
-SOCI NRHA AL 2012: 19.000 (3.850 nel 1990)
-SHOWS NRHA APPROVED ANNUI: 815 (143 nel 1990)
-MONTEPREMI TOTALE ANNUO 2008: 13.000.000$ (1,2 ML $ nel 1990)
Dal 1990 sono state emesse oltre 50.000 Licenze di Competizione per cavalli agonistici in arena NRHA.
* Questi numeri tengono conto strettamente della parte NRHA Usa o Nrha Approved fuori dagli Usa. Il numero di tesserati riguarda solo i possessori di Tessera Nrha (Usa+resto del mondo)
Qui sotto alcuni dati che ci fanno capire quanto sarebbe ormai semplice stilare un Ranking davvero mondiale a fine anno. Basta quanto riportato qui sotto? Non ancora. E se leggete i miei post (o i miei pezzi su Cowboy Mag.ine) capirete di cosa sto parlando.
1. SHAWN FLARIDA $459,426
Springfield, OH - Spooks Gotta Whiz, $140,432; Yankee Gun, $79,493; Quistador, $62,035; Spooks Sugar Rose, $50,815; Shine Chic Shine, $38,963; Wimps Chocolate Chip, $19,861; Star Spangled Whiz, $15,681; Big Shiner, $12,214; Gunnatrashya, $10,658; Whizkey N Diamonds, $10,470; Whiz N West Coast, $4,459; Wimps Quixote Cody, $3,687; Smart Smoking Chic, $2,710; Gunnin For Stars, $2,564; Tinseltown Wimpy, $1,673
2. ANDREA FAPPANI $428,890
Scottsdale, AZ - Tinker With Guns, $110,427; Smoking Whiz, $81,444; Lil Joe Cash, $71,612; Star For The Chicks, $31,518; Shiners Chic, $30,292; Steppin On Sparks, $23,228; Dreamy Little Sailor, $16,829; Son Of A Twisted Gun, $9,680; BH Is Packin Heat, $9,241; Custom Spook, $8,741; Steppin In Diamonds (PT), $8,475; White Gunpowder, $8,250; Sir Hollywood Whiz, $6,938; SS Kiss Me Kate, $3,048; Gunner Boy, $2,722
3. CASEY DEARY $226,904
Weatherford, TX - Americasnextgunmodel, $192,320; Cool N Dun Gunner, $17,773; Elanachics, $11,825; Docturndpennystobucks (PT), $3,960; Smartest Shiner Yet, $823; Zins Smart Peppy, $168; Royal Chexy Lady, $35
4. BERNARD FONCK $196,947
Herentals, BG - Sail On Top Whizard, $73,623; BH Most Wanted, $24,779; Smart N Sparkin, $21,321; Spook A Little, $19,743; Frozen Spook, $18,782; Cattlemans Cash, $7,440; Big Sky Whizard, $6,622; Wimpys Snow Step, $6,385; Ebony Spook, $4,695; ND Taz Revolution, $3,035; Roosters Minnie, $3,035; BA Reckless Chick, $2,448; Queenelisabetrooster, $1,800; RS Spat Man O War, $1,200; Wimpy Genuinediamond, $1,127
5. RUBEN VANDORP $190,820
Aubrey, TX - Legacy In Lights, $152,169; Relatively Sweet, $22,782; Crome Dont Corrode, $13,118; Hollywood Reminic (PT), $2,110; Majors Revolution, $212; Revolutionary Affair, $196; Wimpys Lucky Girl, $135; Custo Nics, $97
6. TIM MCQUAY $184,674
Tioga, TX - Gunners Tinseltown, $154,759; Hollywood Gotta Gun, $7,616; Show Your Guns, $6,044; Gun Chic Nic, $5,751; Nuthin But Hollywood, $4,527; Chex From Tinseltown, $3,978; Smart And Shiney, $2,000
Aubrey, TX - Always Gotyer Gunsup, $60,430; Customized Gunner, $53,360; Shiney Enterprise, $34,903; Starbucks Freckle, $11,560; Don Julio Whiz, $11,417; Gun Chic Nic, $6,339; Dun It Dually, $3,140; Cee N Smoke, $2,321
Springfield, OH - Spooks Gotta Whiz, $140,432; Yankee Gun, $79,493; Quistador, $62,035; Spooks Sugar Rose, $50,815; Shine Chic Shine, $38,963; Wimps Chocolate Chip, $19,861; Star Spangled Whiz, $15,681; Big Shiner, $12,214; Gunnatrashya, $10,658; Whizkey N Diamonds, $10,470; Whiz N West Coast, $4,459; Wimps Quixote Cody, $3,687; Smart Smoking Chic, $2,710; Gunnin For Stars, $2,564; Tinseltown Wimpy, $1,673
2. ANDREA FAPPANI $428,890
Scottsdale, AZ - Tinker With Guns, $110,427; Smoking Whiz, $81,444; Lil Joe Cash, $71,612; Star For The Chicks, $31,518; Shiners Chic, $30,292; Steppin On Sparks, $23,228; Dreamy Little Sailor, $16,829; Son Of A Twisted Gun, $9,680; BH Is Packin Heat, $9,241; Custom Spook, $8,741; Steppin In Diamonds (PT), $8,475; White Gunpowder, $8,250; Sir Hollywood Whiz, $6,938; SS Kiss Me Kate, $3,048; Gunner Boy, $2,722
3. CASEY DEARY $226,904
Weatherford, TX - Americasnextgunmodel, $192,320; Cool N Dun Gunner, $17,773; Elanachics, $11,825; Docturndpennystobucks (PT), $3,960; Smartest Shiner Yet, $823; Zins Smart Peppy, $168; Royal Chexy Lady, $35
4. BERNARD FONCK $196,947
Herentals, BG - Sail On Top Whizard, $73,623; BH Most Wanted, $24,779; Smart N Sparkin, $21,321; Spook A Little, $19,743; Frozen Spook, $18,782; Cattlemans Cash, $7,440; Big Sky Whizard, $6,622; Wimpys Snow Step, $6,385; Ebony Spook, $4,695; ND Taz Revolution, $3,035; Roosters Minnie, $3,035; BA Reckless Chick, $2,448; Queenelisabetrooster, $1,800; RS Spat Man O War, $1,200; Wimpy Genuinediamond, $1,127
5. RUBEN VANDORP $190,820
Aubrey, TX - Legacy In Lights, $152,169; Relatively Sweet, $22,782; Crome Dont Corrode, $13,118; Hollywood Reminic (PT), $2,110; Majors Revolution, $212; Revolutionary Affair, $196; Wimpys Lucky Girl, $135; Custo Nics, $97
6. TIM MCQUAY $184,674
Tioga, TX - Gunners Tinseltown, $154,759; Hollywood Gotta Gun, $7,616; Show Your Guns, $6,044; Gun Chic Nic, $5,751; Nuthin But Hollywood, $4,527; Chex From Tinseltown, $3,978; Smart And Shiney, $2,000
Aubrey, TX - Always Gotyer Gunsup, $60,430; Customized Gunner, $53,360; Shiney Enterprise, $34,903; Starbucks Freckle, $11,560; Don Julio Whiz, $11,417; Gun Chic Nic, $6,339; Dun It Dually, $3,140; Cee N Smoke, $2,321
Overbrook, OK - Way Too Thirsty, $28,521; My Chics Got Guns, $21,408; CC Enterprise, $19,627; What A Lucky Hit, $18,135; Gunners Star (PT), $18,081; Whizs Katrina, $17,610; Eyed Be A Royal Chic, $17,236; Pale Face Dunnit, $16,556; What A Wave, $6,632; Lost In Tinseltown, $5,660; Reys Star Cat, $5,388; Electric Sparks, $3,510; Freckled Whiz, $2,496; Tivitos Whiz Kid, $1,085
9. JORDAN LARSON $178,697
Whitesboro, TX - Ref Black Mamba, $86,263; Colonels Smart Spook, $17,656; Brother Gun, $12,584; Custom Cash Advance, $10,658; RHM Joker Nu Chex, $9,840; Wimpys Lil Star, $9,058; CFR Centenario Wimpy, $8,506; Genuine Tinsel, $3,917; Legend In Texcess, $3,814; Wimpys Littlecolonel, $3,604; Whiz Starbrite, $3,539; Unquestionably Crome, $1,845; Wimpys Superman, $1,748; Sharp Dressed Shiner, $1,403; Bea Smart Jerry, $1,297
10. PETE KYLE $132,800
Whitesboro, TX - A Ruf Gal, $59,141; Gunner Git Ya Dun, $50,244; My Gunner Enterprise, $10,014; KR Ima Another, $9,620; Crome Shiner, $1,174; Chicsdundreamin, $1,080; KR Easy Chic, $542; Gimme Major Bucks, $532; Zins Smart Wrangler, $454
TOP HORSES (All Ages) 2012Overbrook, OK - Way Too Thirsty, $28,521; My Chics Got Guns, $21,408; CC Enterprise, $19,627; What A Lucky Hit, $18,135; Gunners Star (PT), $18,081; Whizs Katrina, $17,610; Eyed Be A Royal Chic, $17,236; Pale Face Dunnit, $16,556; What A Wave, $6,632; Lost In Tinseltown, $5,660; Reys Star Cat, $5,388; Electric Sparks, $3,510; Freckled Whiz, $2,496; Tivitos Whiz Kid, $1,085
9. JORDAN LARSON $178,697
Whitesboro, TX - Ref Black Mamba, $86,263; Colonels Smart Spook, $17,656; Brother Gun, $12,584; Custom Cash Advance, $10,658; RHM Joker Nu Chex, $9,840; Wimpys Lil Star, $9,058; CFR Centenario Wimpy, $8,506; Genuine Tinsel, $3,917; Legend In Texcess, $3,814; Wimpys Littlecolonel, $3,604; Whiz Starbrite, $3,539; Unquestionably Crome, $1,845; Wimpys Superman, $1,748; Sharp Dressed Shiner, $1,403; Bea Smart Jerry, $1,297
10. PETE KYLE $132,800
Whitesboro, TX - A Ruf Gal, $59,141; Gunner Git Ya Dun, $50,244; My Gunner Enterprise, $10,014; KR Ima Another, $9,620; Crome Shiner, $1,174; Chicsdundreamin, $1,080; KR Easy Chic, $542; Gimme Major Bucks, $532; Zins Smart Wrangler, $454
1. AMERICASNEXTGUNMODEL $192,320 (09M) (Colonels Smoking Gun x Cee Dun It Do It) Casey Deary, $192,320; Dana Conrad, Weatherford, TX; David Silva Sr., Tolland, CT
(09S) (Colonels Smoking Gun x Miss Tinseltown) Tim McQuay, $154,759; David Silva Sr., Tolland, CT; David Silva Sr., Tolland, CT
3. LEGACY IN LIGHTS $152,169
(09S) (Hit The Lights x Doc Berry Miss) Ruben Vandorp, $152,169; Janet Benson, Valley View, TX; Janet Benson, Valley View, TX
(07S) (Spooks Gotta Gun x Prettywhizprettydoes) Shawn Flarida, $140,432; Michell Anne Kimball, Encintas, CA; Clint Haverty, Krum, TX
5. TINKER WITH GUNS $110,427
(06S) (Colonels Smoking Gun x Tinker Nic) Andrea Fappani, $110,427; Rancho Oso Rio LLC, Scottsdale, AZ; Rancho Oso Rio LLC, Scottsdale, AZ
6. WIMPYS HIGH BID $98,425
(09S) (Wimpys Little Step x Lucky Little Jewel) Jason Vanlandingham, $98,425; Vaughn Zimmerman, Springfield, MO; Werner & Linda Hermus, Valley View, TX
7. REF BLACK MAMBA $86,263
(09S) (Jacs Electric Spark x Metermaid To Order) Jordan Larson, $86,263; Rancho El Fortin, Del Rio, TX; Cinder Lakes Ranch LLC, Valley View, TX
8. SMOKING WHIZ $81,444
(07S) (Topsail Whiz x Glendas A Smokingun) Andrea Fappani, $81,444; Silver Spurs Equine, Cave Creek, AZ; Susan Ray, Pasadena, TX
9. YANKEE GUN $79,493
(09S) (Rowdy Yankee x Snow Gun) Shawn Flarida, $79,493; Arcese Quarter Horses, Weatherford, TX; Equine Plus, St. Hilaire, CN
(09S) (Wimpys Little Step x Miffs Cablelena) Pedro Baiao, $79,283; Robert Anderson, Flanders, NJ; Robert Anderson, Flanders, NJ
1.COLONELS SMOKING GUN (GUNNER) $1.506.137 (puledri: 204) Americasnextgunmodel, $192,320; Gunners Tinseltown, $154,759; Tinker With Guns, $110,427; Always Gotyer Gunsup, $60,430; Customized Gunner, $53,360; Gunner Git Ya Dun, $50,244; Gunnin For Chicks, $45,313; Chicks Smokingun, $44,834; Sugar Chics Gunnit, $44,177; Chics Loaded Gun, $34,781
1.RANCHO OSO RIO LLC $ 209,003 Scottsdale, AZ - Tinker With Guns, $110,427; Custom Spook, $42,472; Steppin In Diamonds (PT), $33,745; BH Is Packin Heat, $9,241; White Gunpowder, $8,250; Misters Smokin Gun, $3,789; Cashin The Big Chex, $1,069; Sorcerers Apprentice, $11
1. DAVID SILVA SR. $427,600 Tolland, CT - Americasnextgunmodel, $192,320; Gunners Tinseltown, $154,759; Shiney Tinseltown, $24,111; Colonel Tinseltown, $15,682; Lost In Tinseltown, $8,346; Repeat Fine Footwork, $6,018; Dizzy Whizzy, $5,684; Footwork Dun It, $4,755; Guess Im A Gunner, $4,727; Chex From Tinseltown, $3,978; Hollywood Downtown, $2,240; Hollywood By Suprise, $979; Rudy Dunit, $879; Reminic At Work, $799; I Cee Stars, $694